
Showing posts from April, 2015

Losing Tiki

We found Tiki in the street twice.  The first time was when we rescued him from the engine of an old van, where he and four of his baby brothers and sisters had been abandoned.  The second time was on Thursday morning, when I found him lying dead in the gutter. The car didn't stop. Ther e was nothing anyone could do.  We didn't get to say goodbye. How could he be taken away from us so suddenly, so tragically, so young?  We had just moved in to our new apartment. We had been so careful about choosing a place that was cat friendly. The neighbors all had cats. There was a back yard where they could bask in the sun. Our old boy Django was happy to have a small area to enjoy. But little Tiki was adventurous. He just had to go exploring. Onto the roof and over the gate. Tiki wasn't afraid of anything. Tiki loved being a cat and we just couldn't keep him indoors.  That morning, I woke up and noticed Tiki hadn't come in. And Django, who always appeared like c

Read. Return. Repeat.

My Very Own Books Box As soon as I heard about Little Free Libraries, I knew I wanted to make my own. What a great idea!  A public library, right on your own street, that's always open, and always free.  It nurtures a sort of social reading network, where you get to meet the books that live in your neighborhood, and the people who read them. One of the More Upscale Models Around Town My little Books Box started when we moved to our new apartment in South Park, San Diego. After we moved in, we had boxes of books I needed to unpack.  Books I loved, but knew I would never read again.  So out they went.  I put them in a cardboard box near the curb that said "free books". Over the next few days, I delighted in hearing people rifle through the box and carry off one of my old, well read books.  And then they were all gone. We went for a walk around our neighbohrood one afternoon, and we came across a Little Free Library. It was painted the same color as the house it