
Showing posts from June, 2016

Couple Sues Infant Daughter for Expressing their Genes without a Copyright License

Steve and his Doppeldaughter. Our daughter looks just like my husband. She's got his deep blue eyes, golden brown hair, and round little pie face. Nicknamed his little Doppeldaughter , it's clear that she is a living, breathing replica of her dad's DNA. And behind those denim blue eyes, I know there's some of my own genetic material in there, too. She's a copy of both of us...a physical expression of our combined DNA. And now she's out in the world, racking up hundreds of "likes" on social media. Not to mention the monetary compensation she gains as well, in the form of food, diapers, clothing and free housing. That sounds like a pretty obvious case of copyright infringement to me. We made her, and now she's using our genetic composition without a license to do so. The question is, can we sue my daughter for biologically, and more importantly,  financially,  benefitting from our labor? No. Because that would be ridiculous. You know w

Maybe You Shouldn't be Going to Gay Night Clubs.

It came as no surprise to me when Omar Mateen walked into  Pulse  nightclub and opened fire, killing 49 people and injuring dozens more. I think we all know what the real message is here. You shouldn't be going to gay nightclubs. They are teeming with drunk, sex-craved twenty-somethings who listen to loud music and love to party all night long. Wait. Hold on. Aren't all  nightclubs like that? If you really want to stay safe, you shouldn't be going to any  nightclubs. Or movie theaters, for that matter. Movie theatres, where the floors are sticky, it's pitch black, and who knows what kind of monster might be sitting in that back row! So it also came as no surprise that on July 20, 2012, James Holmes, wearing a costume and carrying a 12 gauge shotgun, semi-automatic rifle, and a handgun, murdered 20 people at close range and wounded 70 others. The movie theatre industry was already on its last legs, and this act really closed the curtain. I haven't gone since