
Showing posts from August, 2016

Can We Still Be Friends After Babies?

One of the hardest things for me as a new mom has been maintaining relationships with several of my closest friends...the ones who don't have kids.  They either haven't started families yet or have decided that it's just not the right path for them. And that's fine! I love my friends and I totally respect their choices. And they can show me they respect my choice of becoming a mom by simply not saying the following three things to me. Ever. 1. I'm so tired. No you're not. You've never been tired and you'll never be tired until you've been screamed awake three times a night for six straight months. Oh, you went dancing all night and slept till noon and now you're tired? No you're not. Trust me. 2. My mom is such a _ _ _ _ _(insert expletive here) No she's not. Go over there and hug her and apologize. Having a baby is like a getting the gift of insight into a whole new world of family dynamics. Yes, moms can be annoying, b

Little Free Libraries are Antennae for the Soul

The Magical Mystery Books Box Something strange is going on and I love it. Remember that Books Box  I built outside my house? Well, I am now convinced that it has magical powers. I built a free library in front of my house for people to give and take books. I never could have imagined what resulted from this one small act of neighborly love. It seems that by building the Books Box, I have inadvertently constructed an antenna which picks up signals from another dimension, and I am now tapped in to the power of the law of attraction and all the universe has to offer. Let me try to explain. The idea of a little free library is simple. Construct a shelter, fill it with your old books that you no longer want to hang on to, and offer them to others, no strings attached. Your books quickly find themselves with new owners, and new old books arrive to take their place. Read. Return. Repeat. People walk buy and I hear them get excited to take a peek at what's new, or old. Th